The Relationship Between Cultural-Based Social Needs and Positive Wellbeing Among Iranian International Graduate Students at the Toronto Metropolitan University.

The Relationship Between Cultural-Based Social Needs and Positive Wellbeing Among Iranian International Graduate Students at the Toronto Metropolitan University.

Rojhin Taebi


Rojhin Taebi is a second-gen settler from Richmond Hill, On. She is an avid writer and is passionate about local arts and culture. During her time at TMU, Taebi developed an interest in intercultural communication skills and strategies and food sociology.

Research Summary

The data collection format was a survey with a series of short answer and multiple choice questions designed to allow participants to answer in their own words. Special care was taken in designing and simplifying the questions as they were based on the themes of homesickness, loneliness and stress, which are considered sensitive topics. A key finding in the data is that 60% of the participants mentioned that the expectations and pressures they faced due to their gender allowed them to explore social activities in Toronto that were not accessible to them in Iran. Dancing in a public area and staying out late with mixed gender acquaintances were some of the examples given when asked what the key differences between social activities they engaged in in Toronto versus Iran were. What was noticeably an overwhelming consensus among the participants was the answers to the final short answer question that inquired what TMU can do/implement to support international students from Iran at this time? The average answer was that further dedicated support be implemented to assist international students with finding work to assist in paying the high tuition and living costs.


Culture, Student Life, Gender

Lightning Talk

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