Cosmetic Sourcing Practices: Brand vs. Media Coverage

Cosmetic Sourcing Practices: Brand vs. Media Coverage

Erica Cappuccitti


Hi, my name is Erica, and I am a fourth-year Professional Communications student with a minor in sociology. Over the course of my time at Toronto Metropolitan University, I have gained an interest in digital marketing and copywriting, which have become areas I hope to pursue in the future. I am passionate about sustainability and sustainable development, which is a major component of why I decided to focus my research on how environmental and human rights concerns are addressed by major brands, and media outlets.

Research Summary

This research project focuses on the ways specific cosmetic conglomerates and media outlets report on ingredient sourcing practices for cosmetics. I analyzed the similarities and differences between the ways ethical and unethical conduct in regard to the environment and human rights and exploitation is reported between the two types of sources. This allows consumers to understand where their products are coming from, and for corporations to address their potentially negative impacts.


Brand, Media, Consumers

Lightning Talk

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