Nikoletta Wood

Nikoletta Wood

Nikoletta Wood Portrait

My name is Nikoletta Wood. I am a fourth year Professional Communications student. I have a double minor in Public Relations and Sales Management and Service Quality. I possess a triple technical specialization in photography, graphic design, and videography. In my spare time I am currently studying 3D medical animation. I work as a contract Graphic Designer for the University Health Network (UHN) and am a part of an amazing team there. When I am not taking pictures, or drafting, I am playing piano or spending time with family and friends. These last four years at Ryerson have meant the world to me and have introduced me to both peers and professors that I will continue to maintain ties with well into the future. I am excited to enter the work force and to continue to grow my portfolio while learning all that I can. Everything is what you make it - and I plan to make the most of whatever is to come after graduating this spring. If you would like to contact me, please feel free to send me an email at it would be my pleasure to make your acquaintance.


The problem my study addresses is sexism in healthcare. My study explores whether sexism experienced by female clinical and research staff is primarily performed by patients or coworkers in hospitals in Ontario Canada.

Nikoletta Wood Research Poster

Project Tags

Healthcare, women, sexism, gender, politics, awarness, education, narrative
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