Research Project
A Global Perspective On Female Beauty Standards

Hi there! My name is Hannah Lim, and I am in my final semester of the BA Professional Communication program. My interests include singing, reading, and fashion. Additionally, in the summer of 2023, I was a Social Media and Editorial Intern at STYLE Canada, where I covered press for ELLE Canada, SHEIN, Diner En Blanc, and many more. When thinking about my future endeavors, I aspire to get into the Public Relations side of the beauty and fashion industry.
When taking a global perspective on female beauty standards, there are several similarities and differences between cultures on what is deemed as physically attractive (Dimitrov & Kroumpouzos, 2023). As for similarities, studies show that facial features such as high cheekbones, small noses, thin jawline, smooth skin, and white teeth, are considered universally attractive (Spyropoulou et al., 2020). As for differences however, females with tan skin and fuller lips in places such as Latin America, the United States, and Australia, were more favourable (Spyropoulou et al, 2020). Whereas in Asia, females with lighter skin and smaller lips were preferred (Spyropoulou et al, 2020). In this analysis, I will be using secondary quantitative research methods, or existing or secondary data (Sreekumar, 2023) such as scholarly journal articles, to support my case. By the end of this study, we will be able to determine whether there is a universal definition of the ‘perfect woman,’ or if beauty perception varies among different observers.
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