Pervasive Pedophelia: Sexualized Self-Infantilization and Cultural Reactions

Pervasive Pedophelia: Sexualized Self-Infantilization and Cultural Reactions

Abigail Klie


Abigail Klie is an upcoming Toronto Metropolitan University graduate from Buffalo, NY with a background in social media management.

Research Summary

This content analysis study utilizes a mixed-method paradigm to analyze the responces of Tik-Tok users to viewing sexualized self-infantilization displayed in Tik-Tok videos. The results found that the majority of engagements with these videos were positive in tone. Insights gained from this study aim to help parents of minors learn the importance of moderating their children’s online behavior, as well as to educate young adults on the socio-political effects of producing or engaging with this type of content.


Mental Health, Social Media, Sociology

Lightning Talk

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