Factors Pertaining to Mental Health in Post- Secondary Students in Canada: A Post COVID-19 Study

Factors Pertaining to Mental Health in Post- Secondary Students in Canada: A Post COVID-19 Study

Victoria Nickerson


I am 22 years old, in my final semester of Professional Communications at TMU.

Research Summary

The area of study that will be addressed within this research project are the trends of factors which influence mental health crisis/ suicidal ideation in post-secondary students within Ontario, Canada. The timeframe of the study will range from 2019 to 2022, which encompasses the year prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the years of its duration.. The research design of this project will be a descriptive study, with the main objectives being the clarification of trends regarding the mental health and suicidal ideation of post- secondary students in Ontario between 2019 and 2022.


Mental health, Covid-19

Lightning Talk

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