Evaluating Post-Secondary student Financial stability approaching graduation

Evaluating Post-Secondary student Financial stability approaching graduation

Liam Shapiro


Hi! I’m Liam Shapiro, 4th-year Procom student with a minor in marketing! I’ve always had a passion for creating and sharing stories in fun and entertaining ways, and I’m super excited to share my project with you! I’ve got a lot of different interests, ranging from marketing, to personal finance, to technology and automation, all the way to personal fitness – finding ways to incorporate all of these things into my daily life is a blast.

Additionally, this year I was chosen to be the Marketing Lead for signify – this site that you’re on, as well as all the branding and colors that signify uses this year were a product of my brain, as well as several sleepless nights. Collaborating with a remarkable team to bring this event to life has been an extraordinary experience, and I sincerely hope our collective efforts resonate with you as you explore our work!



Research Summary

For my research, I wanted to go in-depth on something that really concerned me as a university student: Financial independence. After graduation, I know a lot of me and my peers were concerned about our abilities to handle our own finances and keep ourselves stable.

A quick summary from my presentation (found here)

This study aimed to gather information about financial anxiety and preparation in undergraduate students in canada. Through a survey shared across social media, which collected 105 responses from undergraduate students in canada, it was found that a variety of factors influenced students’ financial anxiety and preparedness across a multitude of topics, including:

  • Banks and Academic institutions
  • Financial resources of choice
  • Money managers and financial planners
  • Parent involvement in student finances
  • Field of study and job prospects
  • Internship and work experience


Finance, Student Life, Personal Finance

Lightning Talk

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