Behind the Brains: Lifestyle Variables

Behind the Brains: Lifestyle Variables

Zaneta Pastor


Zaneta is a Professional Communications student with a minor in Psychology. She’s currently working an administrative position at a wellness clinic with a very supportive staff cheering her on. She was inspired to do this research project from the personal experience she and her friends have had during their university experiences. Knowing if what connected them so well also helped their GPA’s was an intriguing point going into this study. Post graduation she hopes to find a job in the Formula 1 circuit to connect her love of the sport with her professional drive. Aside from school, she is an avid reader and enjoys true crime documentaries.

Research Summary

This research takes a look at variables found in the average university student’s life and determines how these variables may interact with and potentially improve GPA. The variables include things like sleep, caffeine, exercise, etc., and were chosen based on the most common things found in university life. Success at university levels of academia cannot be simply measured through intellect, so this project aims to identify how other variables factor into GPA. Recommendations beyond this project will likely be a deeper scope at the complexities of these variables (i.e. sleep and rem cycles), as well as a recommendation to perhaps format this into a longterm study, beginning in first year and following students until graduation.


Education, Student Life

Lightning Talk

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