Zeina Abouchacra

Zeina Abouchacra

Zeina Abouchacra Portrait

During my undergraduate degree, I have gained valuable experience as a communication professional in various industries such as finance, IT, retail and education. This hands-on involvement pushed me to understand the evolution of public administration in the information age. In June, I am anticipated to graduate with an Honours Bachelors of Arts from Ryerson University with a major in Professional Communications and a Minor in English. Upon completing my undergraduate degree I will be furthering my education by joining a research-based Communication Master of Arts program. After completing my master’s degree I would like to pursue my interests in the fields of communications and public policy either through completing a Ph.D. or researching with a government department or other public sector body.


This project explores the field of public policy and communication by examining surveillance and governance in a Canadian setting. This research analyzes the language of several Canadian laws, legislations, and government agency mandates along with notable instances of surveillance in Canada to uncover the relationship between the progression of technology and legally enforceable rules. Here, critical discourse analysis is used to investigate social inequality as it is communicated, organized, and legitimized by language use. This research demonstrates how Canadian surveillance systems are built on ideas of distrust, risk, and suspicion. Current surveillance practices embody an interconnected system of standards, practices, and codes which execute power over bodies who have been transformed into data-vectors.

Zeina Abouchacra Research Poster

Project Tags

Governance, surveillance, technology, Canada, risk, data-vectors, historical
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