Samantha Williams

Samantha Williams

Samantha Williams Portrait

I am a mature student in the field of professional communications and a psychology minor. I enjoy taking on leadership roles that allow me to work independently. My professional accomplishments include working within the criminal court system and facilitating meaningful social programs within the health sector.

At Ryerson I gained valuable experience through engagement with future design leaders where I was able to share unique ideas for rooftop garden expansion on campus.

As a peer support worker with Aboriginal student services, I helped design an educational display highlighting the accomplishments of the LGBTQ community. Our department was awarded best educational theme display in the summer of 2020.

My experience at Ryerson allowed me to explore and research issues of significance to me. The Professional Communications program enabled me to showcase my work and bring attention to those areas of passion.
Outside of my academic life I am a mother, a plant propagation experimenter, an avid reader, and neuroscience enthusiast.


The topic of research for this project is single fathers and parenting barriers. There is an information gap when it comes to research and data about single fathers and the impact on parenting stress. My research identifies the unmet needs of modern day single fathers as well as identifies the support they need to parent independently.

Project Tags

single fathers, parenting stress, parenting barriers
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