Collin Heath

Collin Heath

My journey into professional communication was an unconventional one. I grew up in Utah and Las Vegas, and have been living in Toronto since September 2014, which is also my sobriety date from crack and heroin. I'm a beer connoisseur and certified Certified Cicerone level 2. I am also a professionally trained chef and I have cooked for many famous chefs in cities across America. I am currently a bartender/manager at Toronto's best new micro-brewery called Avling Brewery. I guess this is most applicable when we get out of quarantine. I passionately love the L.A. Dodgers and the Killers. My heart is empty with out baseball right now but the Killers new album comes out at the end of May so at least I can look forward to that. I love to play the piano and rock climb. I believe opposites are what makes the world go around. I have had many deep dark lows, which is what give me unbelievably positive attitude. I am always smiling and there is nothing I love more than interacting with people. Humans are what give me the energy to wake up in the morning. Life is beautiful.


I wanted to find out what kind of information Ryerson students knew about the Safe Injection Site located on Victoria Ave. I wanted to know if they even knew it existed, or if it was common knowledge. I tried to figure out if it scared the students, or if they really understood the great things it was doing.

Collin Heath Research Poster

Project Tags

SIS, Safe Injection Site, Heroin, Addiction, Victoria Ave.
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