Brenna Brooks

Brenna Brooks

Brenna Brooks Portrait

My name is Brenna Brooks. I am a fourth-year professional communications student studying at Ryerson University. The topic I selected for my research study is one that is close to my heart. During a reflection of my post-secondary career, it became apparent that the way I approached my studies had, for the most part, changed every semester in terms of time spent preparing for exams and other schoolwork deliverables. Although there were many improvements made, there was still one factor that remained constant: my sleeping patterns. I noticed that I tend to find comfort in getting minimal hours of sleep when preparing for schoolwork deliverables. Perhaps it's a façade or a placebo effect of some sort; however, it's something that became comfortable for me, especially in a post-secondary environment, and I became curious to know if others found the same comfort that I did. My study, To Sleep or Not To Sleep, seeks to address this curiosity by examining the extent to which sleep deprivation is romanticized in post-secondary populations.


To Sleep or Not To Sleep is a quantitative research study which seeks to discover the extent to which sleep deprivation is romanticized as a factor of success in post-secondary populations. The survey responses of 25 Ryerson students were collected as a primary means of research collection to determine whether a correlation between negative sleeping patterns and students perception of their academic success exists.

Brenna Brooks Research Poster

Project Tags

Sleep Deprivation, Academic Success, Post-Secondary School, Health, Education
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