Sports and the Cognitive and Behavioural Effects on Children


Rubino, Serena

About me

The past 4 years with ProCom has been amazing! I’ve made amazing, lifelong friends, absorbed both theoretical and technical knowledge which will aid me in the workforce, I was able to go on exchange, and participate in an internship!

After graduation, I have secured a full time position at a boutique PR agency and will be starting that right after the semester ends. My goal is to continue to build on the skills that both ProCom and my internship taught me, and work my way up in the PR and communications industry.



My project is examining the correlation between sports and the cognitive and behavioural effects on children. The question I hoped to answer was is there any cognitive and behavioural effects on a child that plays sports, and if so, what factors contribute to a positive or negative shift.

As of right now, I have completed my project – with the exception of the final report. My research is complete and has been organized, and I have concluded my findings. The most interesting results I discovered were that 95.5% of children said that they prefer to play sports on a team instead of alone, 70% of parents said that the two skills that they saw the biggest positive shift in were their child’s respect for authority and communication with others, and 80% of children who had a negative experience with any of the sports they played wanted to quit all sports and try to learn another skill (instrument, visual arts, etc).

Lightning Talk

Project Tags

sports; children; social skills; behaviour

Sports and the Cognitive and Behavioural Effects on Children

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