Generational Differences in Media Literacy and its Effects on News Consumption


Leney, Amelia

About me

Amelia Leney is a fourth-year Professional Communication student at Ryerson University. In addition to her studies, Amelia served as the Vice President of Administration and Operations for the Professional Communication Course Union this year. Working closely with the rest of her team, Amelia successfully coordinated an international case competition with Hong Kong Baptist University. Amelia aims to pursue a Master’s degree related to communications, science, and policy in the near future. She is interested in the non-profit and arts sectors and hopes to work within them one day.



For this project, I wanted to answer the question: do generational differences in media literacy affect how people find, read, and consume news? The ways that people find and consume news vary by generation. This variance may be linked to differences in media literacy rates. With the rise of fake news and the spread of online misinformation, we must have a concrete understanding of the issue and learn who is most susceptible to believing fake news stories. I developed a mixed-methods approach and used an online survey to gather information. So far, my analysis has proven that people with higher media literacy rates are more likely to differentiate real news stories from fake ones.

Lightning Talk

Project Tags

media literacy, news consumption, fake news, social media

Generational Differences in Media Literacy and its Effects on Misinformation

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